Lindharin's BASH! Framework for MapTools

Sample Character Sheet

This MapTools framework is designed for the BASH! Ultimate Edition, a rules-lite superhero game created by Chris Rutkowsky of Basic Action Games.


When I first started working on this framework, I cobbled it together from three other sources. I included Rumble's Dice Box as a simple way to get access to general dice rolling, rather than BASH-specific rolls. I then took some of the internal code and campaign properties from DeviantNull's excellent DnD 4e framework and cobbled it together with some of the core code and concepts fromRPTroll's Risus framework. I want to thank all of them for sharing their time and effort.

Official Discussion Threads

There are official discussion threads dedicated to this framework at both the RPTools forum and the BASHTalk forum.  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to visit and post on either site.

Downloading the Framework

You can download a sample campaign file containing the framework at:

BASH Framework version 1.03 (This version has been tested with MapTools versions 1.3b63 and 1.3b70)

Instructions for using the BASH framework

This is a standard MapTools campaign file. You should save the file to your computer, launch MapTools, and then open the campaign file. It should define a number of new functions for you, including dice roll functions implementing BASH's dice mechanic (see below). It should also open a dockable frame that will display the character sheet of your currently selected token; the frame should initially display this help text and the configuration options for the framework's library token. Note: If your browser changes the extension to .zip, you should change it back to ending with .cmpgn instead.

Upgrading the Framework

If you have an earlier version of this framework and want to upgrade it to the latest version in an existing campaign file, instead of downloading a new campaign file, then you can follow these directions:

1.  Download these two files:  LibBASH Token     Campaign Properties File

2.  Upgrade your existing campaign file's properties by going to the Edit Menu, then select Campaign Properties, then click the Import button in the bottom left corner of the pop-up window.  Find the campaign properties file you just downloaded, and click Open.  The Campaign Properties window sometimes does not redraw correctly, but it doesn't cause any errors.  Just click the OK button to close the new campaign properties.

3.  Click on your Lib:BASH token and make a note of your configuration options so you can reapply them to the new version.

4.  Delete your old Lib:BASH token.

5.  Add the new Lib:BASH token that you just downloaded.  Note that the downloaded file name does not have a semi-colon, but when you add it to your MapTools campaign the actual token name should be "Lib:BASH".  It should be an NPC token.

6.  Click on the new Lib:BASH token and reapply any custom configuration options.

Explaining BASH Dice Rolls

While most of the framework functionality will hopefully be somewhat self-explanatory, I do want to explain how dice rolls work in BASH.

With one exception, all rolls in BASH involve rolling 2d6. If you roll doubles, then you can roll an additional die and add it to the total. If the bonus die also matches the original dice values, then you can continue rolling and adding on to the total until you roll a die that does not match the original. This is similar to the exploding dice rolls in MapTools, except it is triggered by the original two dice rolling the same number, rather than rolling the maximum value.

The basic die roll is modified in three ways: a roll multiplier, a dice modifier, and a result modifier. The formula for calculating the total is:

RollMultiplier * (2d6 + DiceModifier) + ResultModifier

Typically, the RollMultplier is based on your rank in a stat or a power and is almost always present. DiceModifiers often come from circumstance bonuses, although some powers also apply DiceModifiers, so they are frequently used but are not needed in every roll. And ResultModifiers are generally only from specific powers, and show up least often.

BASH Rolls in MapTool

As I implemented that in MapTools, a BASH roll is defined as a collection of up to three numbers separated by commas. The first number is always the RollMultiplier. The optional second number is the DiceModifier, and the optional third number is the ResultMultiplier.  Any trailing zeroes can be left off, so if there is no ResultModifier you can just ignore it. 

The framework provides a user-callable function, bash(), making BASH rolls (although the framework character sheet handles most of it for you). The following examples are all valid BASH roll expressions:

Remember: the first number is the RollMultiplier, second is the DiceModifier, third is the ResultModifier.

When a BASH roll is displayed in chat, you can hover your mouse over the result to see a breakdown of the entire roll, as shown here:

Screenshot of Dice Roll

In this picture, the tool tip lists the multiplier first.  Inside the parentheses it has the rolled dice total followed by a subscript that shows the individual dice rolls (in this case, it exploded with double 3s), then the Dice Modifier.  Outside and to the right of the parentheses is the result modifier. 

Also notice that there is an exclamation point in the main chat window next to the Defense roll.  The exclamation point is an indicator that the die roll exploded due to doubles.  That is important to know (without having to mouse over every roll) for powers like Deflect, which have special rules when you roll doubles.

Working with BASH Rolls

Within the framework, you will be able to define a roll for each stat, skill, and any custom actions you wish to include in your character sheet. These roll values use the same format. So when you go to define your Brawn stat, you might use just a "3" if your Brawn has a x3 multiplier, or you could use "3,0,5" if you have a x3 multiplier with a +5 result modifier.

In addition, there will be times when roll modifiers will come from two or more sources. You can combine any number of rolls using the normal plus and minus signs. For example, if your Agility stat is defined as "3" (ie, a x3 Multiplier), but you have a skill that includes a +1 multiplier, then you could write that as "3+1" (which is identical to "3,0,0+1,0,0" but leaves off the trailing zeroes in each triplet). If you also had a power that gave a +2 dice modifier, then it could be written as "3+1+0,2" (or "3,0,0+1,0,0+0,2,0" in the long format).

Once you have defined the roll expressions for your stats (Brawn, Agility and Mind) in your token's character sheet, you can refer to them by name in other roll expressions. For example, when you define a skill that is based on Agility, you can just put "Agility" in that skill's roll field and it will use the current roll expression for your Agility. If the roll has other modifiers, then you could instead put "Agility+1" or "Agility+1,0,5", etc.

Per the BASH rules, if your RollMultiplier is reduced to zero, you roll a single d6 instead of 2d6, and treat it as if the RollMultiplier is actually a x1. So a roll of "0,0,0" is actually not going to give you a result of 0, but instead will be a result between 1-6.

Because of the fact that a BASH roll multiplier of 0 is not actually going to result in a 0 total, there needs to be a special notation if all you want to do is specify a set or static number in a roll expression.  If you want to represent a static value of 10, for example, you cannot just use "0,0,10" because using "0,0,10" will result in a random value between 11 and 16 due to the rule for how zero multipliers are handled. Therefore, if you ever want to include a set value within a roll expression, you must use the number sign, "#", followed by the value. For example, a roll expression of "#10" will bypass any die roll and just return the value 10. This is only used in a few cases, like the static soak value of an object or force field, etc. These static values basically count as ResultModifiers, and can be used in a larger expression, so both "#5+1,0,5" and "1,0,5+#5" are valid and they are the same as "1,0,10".

Configuring the Framework

Library Token ConfigThis framework has optional support for a few house rules that I use, as well as a way to configure a few settings that I expect people might have different preferences/interpretations of. These configuration options are controlled by selecting the library token "Lib:BASH" and using the "Configuration Settings" section of the library token's "character sheet".

General MapTools Settings

These settings are my personal preferences when playing BASH in MapTools.  You may or may not want to use these settings in your own game.

Edit Menu / Preferences / Interaction Tab

Edit Menu / Preferences / ApplicationTab

File Menu / Start Server

Creating New Tokens

Sample Character SheetTo create a BASH character token, follow these steps:

  1. Drag an image from your MapTools Library (or another window) onto the map region.
  2. Double click on the new token to open its "Edit Token" popup.
  3. On the top of the panel, name the token and make it either an NPC or PC token.
  4. If it is a PC token, you should go to the Ownership tab and assign ownership of the token to either all players or to a specific player.
  5. Switch to the Config tab, and in the Properties selection field change it from "Basic" to "Character". (NOTE: Alternatively, you can assign it to "Object" for a simplified token that can be used to track damage and notes about objects like Force Fields, etc.)
  6. If you have wish to include a larger picture of your character, you can either drag the image from another window and drop it in the portrait region, or click the green-and-white + icon in the portrait region to select it from your MapTools library.
  7. Similarly, you can place the same or another image in the handout region. This can be used to display a full-size picture of your character, or it could hold a graphic of your character sheet like the ones frequently being posted on the BASH Forum. If you put a graphic of your character sheet in the handout region of the token config, you will be able to use that graphic as part of your character sheet within the framework.
  8. Click the OK button to save your changes.
  9. Select the token in the main MapTool map area, and an empty character sheet for that token should now appear in your character sheet dockable frame.

The BASH Character Sheet

The character sheet has the following features:




Roll Selection Dialog

This region of the sheet is used to define custom rolls, or sequences of rolls, that your character uses frequently. This would be where you define your attacks, defenses, and other miscellaneous (non-skill) rolls. All entries in the Rolls section have a Name, an optional Description, and zero or more labeled roll expressions. Only the name shows up in the main character sheet.


Skill Edit DialogThis region of the sheet is used to define your skills and specialties.

Character Details (Text Version)

By default, the character sheet displays several text areas for you to define your powers, advantages, disadvantages, weaknesses, etc.

Character Details (Graphic Version)

As an alternative to the text areas for entering your character details, you can instead use a graphic of your character. At the bottom of the character sheet frame, there is a section for Token Management, which is described more fully below. If you click on the link "Use Handout As Sheet", the text details will be hidden and your character handout image will be displayed in this section of the character sheet frame. This could be used to display a graphical character sheet like the ones being posted on the BASH forums, without needing to retype that information into the text sheet. For instructions on adding a handout image to the token, see the section on "Creating New Tokens" above. For instructions on changing the apparent size of the handout in the character sheet frame, see the section on "Token Management" below.


This text area is for any additional notes you want to keep about your character. It functions the same way as the text version of the character details (above): click the link in the header row to edit your notes.

Token Management

Sample Graphical Character SheetThis region of the sheet allows you to configure infrequently changing data about your character and to customize some elements of the framework.

Version History

1.00 - April 5, 2010:  Initial release.


1.01 - April 6, 2010:  Various bug fixes and two minor new features:


1.02 - April 7, 2010:  A few new features and some design cleanup:


1.03 - April 11, 2010:  Added three new features: